Sunday, August 7, 2011

At a first glance

The first things one might notice when they arrive in Germany is that everything is smaller compared to the U.S.

The streets are smaller, many being only 2 lanes, and with smaller streets that means the cars have to be smaller too. You will not see big SUVs driving around or big trucks driving around. But you will notice the same brands of cars that are in the U.S. like BMW, Corvette, ect.

You would notice similar fast food restaurants like McDonalds and Burger King, along with types of soda like coke, sprit, and fanta.  Portion sizes are smaller though, for example one can of soda here is like half a can in the U.S.

Grocery stores are smaller(usually smaller then a Walgreens in the U.S. and have less variety, such as in the U.S you can choose from around 30 different types of chips while in Germany it's more like 7), Malls, Stores, houses, rooms in houses are smaller.

The most interesting thing I found out though, is that almost all of the music played in Germany is American. Germans really like American music and listen to it on the radio, you rarely hear a German song played.


  1. Did you see a few mini coopers too?

  2. Yes, I have seen lots of mini coopers, but i think they are smaller then the one you have.
